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Khanom-Tako ( Thai Jelly With Coconut Topping )

Zone Central

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Khanom-Tako ( Thai Jelly With Coconut Topping )




Khanom-Tako is made from rice flour or mung bean flour, sugar and mix with jasmine floated water. Blend all together and keep mixing until become creamy and sticky, top with seasoning thick coconut cream similar to Western whipping cream. This is a super simple Thai dessert recipe that has high demand in Western country.


Nutrition facts

The outstanding taste and flavor of this recipe is the sweetness of sugar that categorized in carbohydrate group as same as the flour. In digestion system, sugar will transformed to be glucose.

Even though, the thick coconut cream on top of Ta ko contains fats, we should not eat too much. Nutritionist suggests that per one day we should not eat sugar more than 6-8 teaspoons.



1 cup rice flour

½ cup tapioca flour

¼ cup mung bean starch

4 cups jasmine floated water

1 cup chopped chestnut, steamed taro and steamed lotus seed

Syrup ingredients : 1 cup of water, 2 cups of sugar

Thick coconut cream ingredients :

½ cupcoconut cream

¾ cup rice flour

1½ teaspoon salt



Zone Northeast

Kaeng Om Nua (Beef Curry with Lemongrass)

Background Kaeng Om can be found both in Northern and Northeastern Thailand. The difference is that the Isan’s uses the dill and different type of curry paste.   Nutrition Facts The dill in Kaeng Om is nutritious, delaying the growth of infections, lower the cholesterol level, reduce symptoms of Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease or GERD, reduce insomnia and rich with calcium for stronger bones and teeth.   Ingredients 200 gram beef shank, sliced 2 tablespoons sliced dills 2 tablespoons sliced long coriander 15 grams slices of galangal 15 grams sliced lemongrass 2 kaffir lime leaves 20 grams Thai eggplants 20 grams sliced leeks 3 tablespoons fermented fish (liquid) 1 tablespoon roasted rice 1 tablespoon fish sauce 500 ml. water Curry paste ingredients 10 grams bird’s eye chilies 30 grams shallots 10 grams cloves garlic    


Zone South


    Background The South part has a huge coastline, fish and seafood are major food of everyday consumption and Pla-Insee-Kem is one kind of food preservation for longer keep. This recipe is delicious by its condiments as mixing shallots, fresh chilies and lime juice together similar to spicy salad flavor.   Nutrition facts Being high in protein and rich in many vitamins and minerals is main benefit of fish. It has all the essential amino acids necessary for the growth and maintenance of our bodies. Eating dried salty fish, we should add spicy flavor with lime juice, chopped shallots and fresh chilies to reduce saltiness. Shallot has the high content of antioxidant compounds and helps prevent from heart diseases, heart attacks and strokes.   Ingredients 100 grams fried salted fish 30 grams shallot, sliced 3 grams bird’s eye chili, chopped 1 tablespoon lemon juice ½ teaspoon sugar    


Zone Northern

1. Kua Tub Moo (Fried Pig’s Liver)

Background In the past, the Lanna people eat meat only on merit ceremonies, thus menu with meat is hard to find. Nowadays, meaty menus can be eaten easily.   Nutrition Facts Pig’s liver is full of protein and zinc, which help the growth of the body and repair the worn out tissues. Moreover, this menu is rich with vitamins and minerals from the ingredients.   Ingredients 200 gram streaky pork, cut into bite size pieces 200 gram pig’s liver and entrails, cut into bite size pieces Vegetable oil 5 grams kaffir lime leave 1 tablespoon chopped spring onion 1 tablespoon chopped corianders 1 teaspoon fish sauce Chili paste ingredients 7 dried chilies 20 grams shallot 15 grams garlic 1 tablespoon chopped galangal 1 tablespoon sliced lemongrass 1 tablespoon coriander root 1 teaspoon shrimp paste

