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Khao-Nieow-Namkati-Turian (Sweet sticky rice with durian )

Zone Central

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Khao-Nieow-Namkati-Turian (Sweet sticky rice with durian )


Khanom-nam-kati is local Thai dessert that has coconut milk mix with palm sugar by its unique odor and smoothly sweet.

Whenever we combine palm sugar with coconut milk sweet , sweet black sticky rice, crunchy ice and sweetened fruits like durian, it will become really delicious and tasty.


Nutrition facts

One of its own kinds, durian fruit is delicious, soft and very popular for its unique characteristics. The durian fruit is a good source of vitamin C, compare to 200 G consumption of durian, it is sufficient to body’s need in 1 day.  Durian contains a high natural sulfur as well.

100 G of durian contains 3 times energy giving as normal if we eat together with sweet sticky rice, it can gain more energy as we need.



200 grams cooked sweet sticky rice

150 grams ripe durian

3 cups coconut milk

¼ cup palm sugar or coconut sugar




Zone Northern

Yum Yod Makham (Tamarind leaves Salad)

Background Lanna’s tamarind leaves salad has many cooking recipes up to each community in the Northern Thailand. Tamarind leaves have sour taste and often used as ingredient to compliment the taste.   Nutrition Facts Tamarind leaves are used as laxatives and carminatives, sooth the cold and coughing. Onions is rich with Vitamin C and antioxidant agent, which help to prevent from diseases.   Ingredients 2 cups young tamarind leaves 1 cup sliced onion ½ cup fried shallots 1 tablespoon fish sauce 80 grams large tomatoes sliced in half 1 cup sliced pork rind 3 fried dry chilies


Zone Central

Massaman Kai (Massaman Curry with Chicken and Potatoes)

Background The dish is influenced by Indian and it is made from various kinds of Indian herbs such as cumin, cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves and cardamom. The dish has been a popular dish since King Rama II, and it is shown in a poetry of the King. Recently, CNNgo website credits the dish as the most delicious dish of the world.   Nutrition facts Massamun curry with chicken and potatoes is aromatic from Indian herbs which are healing herbs. Cinnamon and Cardamom relive flatulence, nausea and vomiting. Cumin and cloves help pass gas in the intestines and reduce blood cholesterol. Ingredients 5 cups coconut cream 500 grams chicken, cut into 4 inch-size pieces 400 grams potatoes 500 grams onion 10 cardamom seeds 1 cinnamon stick, 2 inch long ¾ cup peanut, roasted 4 fish sauce 2-3 palm sugar 3-4 tamarind juice Massamun curry paste ingredients 11 dried chilies, soaked and removed seeds ½ cup shallots ½ cup garlic cloves 1 tbsp. coriander roots, finely chopped ¼ tbsp. lemon grass, shredded 1 tsp. shrimp paste 1 tbsp. black pepper ½ tsp. nutmeg ½ tsp. star anise ½ tsp. cloves ½ tsp. cardamom 2 tbsp. coriander seeds 1 tbsp. cumin


Zone South

Geang-Pa Pla Dook, Bai Yee-la (Jungle curry with catfish and cumin leaves)

Background Unlike most other Thai curries, Jungle Curry is made without coconut milk. The curry paste is hot and full of flavor. Cumin and Kaffir lime leaves give this curry distinctive and enticing flavor. Catfish which are available in rivers can be added, so the dish is one of traditional dishes.   Nutrition facts 100 grams catfish contain 23 grams of protein and the fish is high Omega 3. Having the dish reduces the risk of heart disease and strengthens the immune system. Moreover, herbs in chili paste and cumin leaves help relaxing and refreshing.   Ingredients 300 grams catfish, cut into pieces 3 tbsp. southern chili paste 50 grams finger root, sliced 5 grams karri lime leaves, shredded 10 grams pepper 40 grams cumin leaves ½ tsp. salt

